How to speed up the bluestacks in windows

How to speed up the bluestacks in windows

Speed up bluestacks
Speed up bluestacks

        In privious blog we had seen that how to run android apps on windows pc using bluestacks. Bluestacks is currently the best & easiest way to run android apps windows PC. Bluestacks opens like any other window in your windows PC.Bluestacks app player fills gap between android devices and Operating systems like Windows & MAC OSX. For those who wish to run android apps windows PC like WhatsApp , We chat , instagram, temple run, subway surfers etc,. use Bluestacks.
But Normally when running some apps we face problems like Play store not working, Bluestacks goes down. So, to speed up Bluestacks in windows PC is very necessary. That's why, I am sharing this post with you. After doing this you will experience Bluestacks running at a great speed. if your running the bluestacks app playre in a machine that have lower hardware specifications so the blustacks runs slower.
        Many of people think that the problame is unable to solve but there is a solution given in this blog.

How to speed up:-

Step1:Open the registory editor:
            By pressing the Windows+R button OR open the start menu and the type run and press enter.

Step2:type "regedit" in run and press enter

After pressing enter the following window will appear

Step3:Now navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Bluestacks/Guests/"
step 4 : Click on Android

step 5 : Double click on Memory

Step 6 :You can see value, something like 300 or different value, now click on "Decimal".
Change that value to 1024, then press OK.

You speed up Bluestacks in Windows PC, it's Memory is increased. Now just Reboot your system to changes take place. Comment here to share you views.

Thanks for reading  keep reading and sharing


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